Top 5 Employers for LPNs and LVNs

If you are a recent LPN or LVN graduate who is searching for employment, you most likely would like to learn about the top-paying employers for these types of nurses. Another concern you may have is to find employers that offer job stability. These are the two LPN and LVN job searching areas where we can help! In each of the three categories listed below, you will find the top five employers for LPNs and LVNs today.
Highest-Paying Employers
According to the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for LPNs and LVNs in 2013 was nearly $42,000 per year. However, there are many factors that can affect this figure, and one of the main factors is the employer that you choose to work for.
Some employers provide their nursing staff with higher or lower wages than others. In fact, as an LPN or LVN, your salary can range anywhere between just over $31,000 to as much as $58,000 per year! Now, if you are like most other job seekers, you may be wondering which employers offer the highest wages. Well, these do:
- Insurance-Related Agencies and Brokerages - $51,370 Per Year
- Junior Colleges - $49,600 Per Year
- Insurance Carriers - $49,280 Per Year
- Research and Development Centers - $47,120 Per Year
- Lessors of Real Estate - $46,430 Per Year
Employers with the Greatest Demand
Unfortunately, employers that offer the highest wages for LPNs and LVNs are not the same ones that provide the most job opportunities. Nevertheless, employers that have the greatest demand for nurses still provide their staff with excellent starting salaries ranging from $39,260 to $44,970 per year. While there is a high demand for nurses in many industries today, employers with the greatest need are as follows:
- Nursing Homes - 213,160 Positions at $43,960 Per Year
- General Medical and Surgical Hospitals - 112,480 Positions at $42,000 Per Year
- Physicians' Offices - 91,080 Positions at $39,260 Per Year
- Home Healthcare Companies - 77,290 Positions at $44,970 Per Year
- Retirement and Assisted Living Facilities - 46,190 Positions at $44,230 Per Year
Employers Showing the Most Promise
Just as with most other sectors in the field of medicine, LPN and LVN careers are constantly growing and evolving. One change that is becoming more and more common in the field of nursing today is the move from traditional medical care and facilities to more nontraditional methods and settings.
This is likely due to patients' desires to receive medical care in more personalized environments. As a result, there are some employers that show much promise for LPNs and LVNs in the future! According to statistics provided by Payscale, the following five employers show great promise for the next several years:
- Hospice Care Centers
- Quality Improvement Care Facilities
- Home Healthcare Companies
- Telemetry Facilities
- Wound Care Facilities